Thursday, August 31, 2017

Pregnancy and insomnia

Did you know that 78% of woman will experience #insomnia during #pregnancy?
In part, body changes and kicking fetus may make it challenging to get comfortable to #sleep. Other factors contributing to restless nights include frequent urination, heartburn, back pain and overall hormonal changes. There is one more major reason some pregnant ladies can not sleep: #anxiety!
What causes anxiety in pregnancy? Hormonal changes, anticipating arrival of baby, anticipating #birth itself, anticipating any and all life adjustments and being more vulnerable to daily life stressors.
Can treatment help ease and manage #stress and anxiety? Absolutely! Can treatment help mamas to be fall asleep, stay asleep and improve sleep quality? Big yes!

Please contact me to learn about in office, In home and video services for #maternity and #postpartum wellness.
#PPD #postpartumanxiety #postpartumdepression #insomniapregnancy #maternalmentalhealth #perinatal #antenatal #postpartumwellness

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Dialectic behavioral therapy #dbt #dbtskills #dialecticbehavioraltherapy

*Dialectic Behavioral Therapy Skills*
There are four main therapy modules which compose the skeleton of the dialectic behavioral theory. These skills are taught in sessions:

The four main therapy modules are:

*Core Mindfulness***
Being present in the moment and not ruminating on the past or worrying about the future. Mindfulness suggests awareness of what is. “Observe, discribe and participate” encourages being an active participants in the present moment. “Non judgmentally, one mindfully” suggest engaging in one activity or thought at a time.

*Emotion Regulation***
Learning how to balance your emotions by separating yourself from the emotional experience.
"Acceptance is the only way out of hell."-Dr. Marsha Linehan
"Radical acceptance rests on letting go of the illusion of control and a willingness to notice and accept things as they are right now, without judging." -Dr. Marsha Linehan.
*Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills***
Learning skills to effectively communicate and relate to others as well as getting your needs met. This skill is frequently used in any assertive communication problem solving lessons: the lessons include saying no/boundary setting, assertively asking for what one needs and conflict resolving.

*Distress Tolerance***
Specific tools to help cope during a distressing moment or personal crisis. An appropriate alternative to self harming behaviors such as substance use, cutting, etc.

Cognitive behavioral therapy #cbt #cognitovebehavioraltherapy

"There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.-Shakespeare
Self talk affects behavior which affects mood. 
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy was first introduced by Aaron Beck in the early 1960’s. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence based, short term, goal oriented, approach. Homework assignments are often given at the end of most sessions in order to practice the skills between sessions. Change is dependent on behavioral modification, cognitive formulation, and psychoeducation )(teaching framework). Disorders are viewed as a result of dysfunctional thinking, which in turn affects mood and behavior. Improvement is conditional upon changing or modifying distorted thinking to achieve more realistic and adaptive thought patterns. (Beck 2011).

The Cognitive behavioral approach attempts to interpret an individual’s processing of information and assumptions i.e. cognition (your thoughts!). In other words, what an individual thinks and perceives influence behavior and emotions. The idiosyncratic rules and assumptions become cognitive distortions or automatic thoughts which appear spontaneously but are mood dependent.

In other words, our thoughts are what drives behavior and influences how we feel. Therefore, examining thought patterns with a skilled CBT therapist, can change behavior and improve mood. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a very effective treatment and supported by research.
The Cognitive behavioral approach attempts to interpret an individual’s processing of information and assumptions i.e. cognition (your thoughts!). In other words, what an individual thinks and perceives influence behavior and emotions. The idiosyncratic rules and assumptions become cognitive distortions or automatic thoughts which appear spontaneously but are mood dependent.

In other words, our thoughts are what drives behavior and influences how we feel. Therefore, examining thought patterns with a skilled CBT therapist, can change behavior and improve mood. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a very effective treatment and supported by research.
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." -Victor Frankl