I heard someone once describe taking anti depressants as a fog being lifted from all around him and suddenly he could experience life. I had permission from this individual to use this visual (otherwise would not be able to legally include in this entry). When being asked; "what's WRONG?" The answer was always "I don't know".,,
Depression is categorized as a mood disorder. Symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder include:
- Loss of interests or pleasure in life for at least 2 weeks.
- Depressed mood most of the day
- Diminished interest or pleasure in all or most activities
- Significant weight loss or gain
- Insomnia or Sleeping too much
- Agitation or psychomotor retardation (very LOW energy)
- Fatigue or loss of energy
- Feelings worthlessness or excessive guilt
- Diminished ability to think or concentrate; indeciseveness
- Recurrent thoughts of death (APA, 2000, P. 356)
Dysthymic Disorder is a milder form of Major Depressive Disorder. Bipolar Disorder, I will write about in a future post but includes Depression alternating with Mania.
From what I observed, Depression sufferers describe feeling numb, empty, desensitized to life. When asked: "what is the matter", many can not pin point exactly what they are unhappy about or what they would change; it's like living in a fog! Although, some can certainly have situational depression related to a difficult situation. Depression feels like not really being all that there: you just don't feel well. In other words, nothing specific has to be wrong in order to feel symptoms of Depression.
Many Depression sufferers feel aches and pains in their body. It's similar with when your immune system is weakened and you begin feeling under the weather. The loss of interests is related to feeling hallow inside, accompanied by guilt, feelings of worthlessness, the "what is the point of it all", laying in bed all day but having insomnia.
Why I felt the image of the sobbing woman on the couch was such a stereotype is because many depressed individuals DON'T cry! Also, vocalizing feeling and the ice cream were all attempts to cope! Depressed people don't always have the energy (psychomotor retardation aka low energy) to eat ice cream or cry to their friends! Feeling sadness would be a step up from the senseless emptiness and apathy!
Does this sound like you?
Treatment options:
- Psychotherapy specifically Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Medication
Other things that can help:
- Sunshine and fresh air- Vitamin D can do wonders for our mood! Sometimes a walk outside can help get us out of our heads.
- Yoga- a physical activity that encourages mindfulness and connects mind body!
- Exercise- It has actually been proven that exercising a few times a week has powerful affects on our mood! Endorphin's are a blessing!
- Eat healthy--Specifically omega 3 fatty acids (found in fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel) and folate (spinach, lentils). Including flax seed oil is a healthy fat as is coconut oil. Green tea, a healthy alternative to coffee, contains L-theanine which can help boost mood. Also, chamomile tea may have a calming influence on some. Foods containing tryptophan such as turkey can help.
- Meditation-- Even 2-3 minutes of deep, belly breathing a day can do wonders! Meditation can quite the mind and help you feel more balanced.
- Essencial Oils--Lavender oils have a relaxing affect on some. Drop a little oil into your bath for some relaxation! A little oil into a candle makes the room smell nice!
- THERAPY-- I can not stress the importance of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help work through negative thought patterns and change behaviors contributing to depression.
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