I want to take a moment to talk about self care; what can you do right this moment to take better care of yourself thus influencing how you feel? For starters, eating healthy foods and sleeping enough are two practical practices which affect our physical and mental health. Many have the habit of skipping meals or gorging on the comfort foods when faced with stress which long term, can impact our health. Other practices such as exercise have a wonderful feel-good endorphin release. Some say they don't have time or gym membership to exercise so walking can be great! Speaking of walking: fresh air is NOT overrated! Go outside, sit under the sun and take ten deep, from-the-tummy breaths and assess how you feel!!! Having a rough day? What about meeting a friend and catching up! Another idea is pampering yourself: go get a massage, nails/hair done, schedule a spa day. Organizing, spring cleaning and all decluttering can bring out a sense of balance and calm. Does anyone feel music influences your mood? What about watching a funny movie? Aromatherapy works for many! It can be very relaxing to take a bath with lavender oil and bath salts!